Monday 30 November 2015

I  didn't have the file to my pool so couldn't put it into this SketchUp and my blogspot is on the first photo but barely there on the second one

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Part 2 house build

Part 2 house build I thought that we were suppose to use the same house and not make a new one so here is the part 1 house that was upgraded. woops

Friday 13 November 2015

Friday Posting

                                           Friday posting

This week we worked on car builder and a postcard for remembrance day. The car builder was easy for the first two days but after that the assignment  was impossible causing a lot of stress and trying to find out how to make it go extremely fast and or a set speed. it felt like there was only one ideal design and you could't have your own unique car.

The remembrance day card was extremely easy and it was really repetitive but I got it done. I really did enjoy the postcard part and wish we would have done more stuff that was more unique just not giving a tinge of red to a picture

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Boba Fett build

My computer lost the availability to change any gamemode so I was forced to stay on the ground so I didn't have the option fly around and take screenshots so I had to take Dylan's screenshots. But I did take a large role in building the thing since the face of Boba Fett was made by me

Friday 16 October 2015

Friday Posting

What I've done in this four day week of computer class

I had almost finished my flash tutorial but I had messed up on one of my frames so it made it so the sky was the most dominant layer until around the 40th frame then it would go back to how it was suppose to be for the last 20 frames and it wouldn't let me adjust it. I then had to  restart completely.
Once I restarted I got to the car and my trial decided to say it  wasn't valid/ran out so I lost all of my work for the second time in a row. So rather instead of just restarting for a third time I just decided to finish a mountain texture instead because I am thoroughly frustrated with the flash tutorial.

Thursday 15 October 2015

                                                                 Mountain  Re-Texture

Monday 21 September 2015

This is the most stressful game I have ever played, I could't get past level 2 without a multitude of tears streaming down my face in a rapid succession. I truly haven't been more annoyed with a basic, simple concept game until now, this is by far the worst gaming experience of my whole life and I would not recommend playing this game because of it's stress inducing levels, I feel like I have been internally destroyed by this game and plan on never touching it again.


PS: I actually couldn't pass level two I tried the whole class

Friday 18 September 2015


For Photoshop, all the tools are so explanatory. If you make a mistake during your assignment just press CTRL+ALT+Z and it re does your mistake and corrects it to its previous state. Make sure to take your time and make it perfect.

On the first day on photoshop I was confused, I had no idea what I was doing, the next three days It consisted of me using erasers cropping and a bunch of backgrounds, I didn't really learn anything rather than just how to do something super tedious and boring.

I only know two
CTRL+ALT+Z= Fixes mistakes.
CTRL+V= Post whatever you have saved onto Photoshop.

It is the same thing like last year, we make a blog and then just do work on it, kind of inconsistent too because some people don't always have access to computers if they miss a day of school. Overall, it's okay. I don't think i'll ever use a blog if I had the opportunity

I made a really odd avatar and made a random slogan on a bus, I also linked 5 of my friends + the schools blogspot.

Letter of my name


Thursday 10 September 2015