Monday 30 November 2015

I  didn't have the file to my pool so couldn't put it into this SketchUp and my blogspot is on the first photo but barely there on the second one

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Part 2 house build

Part 2 house build I thought that we were suppose to use the same house and not make a new one so here is the part 1 house that was upgraded. woops

Friday 13 November 2015

Friday Posting

                                           Friday posting

This week we worked on car builder and a postcard for remembrance day. The car builder was easy for the first two days but after that the assignment  was impossible causing a lot of stress and trying to find out how to make it go extremely fast and or a set speed. it felt like there was only one ideal design and you could't have your own unique car.

The remembrance day card was extremely easy and it was really repetitive but I got it done. I really did enjoy the postcard part and wish we would have done more stuff that was more unique just not giving a tinge of red to a picture